
05 Apr 2020

7 Steps to building your new home… While in lockdown!

Our sales teams are all working remotely while in lockdown, and they’re keen to get you started on your way to building your new home over the next few weeks.

Here’s how we can help while in lockdown (and beyond)…

1. Contact us

Contact your local Golden Homes team and let us know that you’re interested in starting the process of building your new home while we’re in lockdown. Find the contact details for your local office here:

2. Meet and Greet.

‘Meet’ your Golden Homes sales consultant to discuss your wants, needs and next steps. This meeting can be done over the phone or via a video conferencing system like Skype or Zoom.

3. It’s all in the detail…

Give us the nitty-gritty details, including the address for your land - and survey plan if available. Your Golden Homes team member will gather the rest of the land information required. If you don't have land - fear not - we can help you. While you can’t go out looking at the moment you can investigate the area via Google. Your site will dictate what type of house is suitable - optimising the sun, contour, views etc. 

Note: If your site requires a survey we can still help with house plan ideas but we cannot apply for building consent until the on-site survey has been completed.

4. Budget.

To enable us to help you, we need guidance regarding your budget. We have mobile mortgage managers available who understand construction lending and can assist with this.

5. Dream Home.

Compile a list of what you want in your home - from products you like to number of bedrooms, living areas, garages. If you need help, have a look at our plan ideas at - you may fall in love with one of our plans or combine a variety of ideas to create your new home. Your Golden Homes sales consultant will help you with this.   

6. The plan.

Your Golden Homes team member will draft your home plan based on the above information and a quote will be presented outlining all your personal touches.  

7. Building Contract

In most cases we can prepare your full set of plans and even obtain a Building Consent while we are in lock down.

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